🔮Essence Table
Patch 1.3.0
Name | Rarity | Description | Land Level |
Beastmaster Notebook Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 7 Almighty Will.eye.am Novice T-Bone Almighty Bjorn Novice Bjorn Almighty Sharky Novice Will.eye.am Novice Karot Almighty Karot Almighty Voltzzz Almighty Chirpy Novice Sharky Novice Funguy Novice Hydra Novice Omelette Neko Novice Chirpy Novice Voltzzz Almighty Funguy Novice Grubbler Almighty Grubbler Almighty Omelette Almighty Frostine Almighty Hydra and Almighty T-Bone are added. Gives 77 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Skull Sword Essence | Very Rare | Gives 40 Copper and is destroyed when you roll. Gives 8 Copper less for each resource in your inventory with a quantity of 2 or more. Cannot give less than 0 Copper. This effect ignores Empty. | 4 |
Nekopedia Essence | Rare | Destroys itself if there are at least 7 Archer Thief Tech Millionaire Cultist Koo Hunter Miner Earth Neko Monarch Gambler Grand General Cursed Swordman Pirate Assassin Nymph Necromancer Farmer Water Neko Water Princess Chef Beastmaster Archaeologist Nekosino Trickster and Bartender give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Earth Charm Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 7 Earth Neko are removed. Removes all Earth Neko before each roll. Gives 21 Copper whenever Earth Neko are removed. | 4 |
Bird Staff Essence | Common | Destroys itself if 5 or more Almighty Will.eye.am Novice Omelette Almighty Chirpy Novice Will.eye.am Almighty Omelette Almighty Grubbler and Novice Grubbler are adjacent. When destroyed Almighty Will.eye.am Novice Omelette Almighty Chirpy Novice Will.eye.am Almighty Omelette Almighty Grubbler and Novice Grubbler give Copper 2 more this game. | 5 |
Combat Drone Essence | Common | Gives 10 Copper whenever a resource is destroyed. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Surveillance Drone Essence | Common | Gives 30 Copper if there are at least 3 Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Black Suits Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Clubs and Spades. When destroyed Clubs and Spades give 2 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Frozen Treasure Chest Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after 12 rolls. When destroyed you choose 2 Uncommon resources and 1 Very Rare resource to add. | 4 |
Rare Baby Dragon Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after 20 rolls. Gives 3 Copper each roll. | 4 |
Guard Drone Essence | Common | Gives 10 Copper whenever a resource is added. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Charm Booster Pendant Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after Greedy Dragon Charm Buffing Charm Essence Charm Common Charm Wealth Charm Rare Charm Merchant Charm and Revive Charm are destroyed. The effects of Greedy Dragon Charm Buffing Charm Essence Charm Common Charm Wealth Charm Rare Charm Merchant Charm and Revive Charm happen 3 times. | 4 |
Booster Backpack Essence | Common | Destroys itself after Archer Almighty Will.eye.am Almighty Gorg Almighty Puddin Novice Bjorn Almighty Bjorn Novice Will.eye.am give Copper 7 times. Archer Almighty Will.eye.am Almighty Gorg Almighty Puddin Novice Bjorn Almighty Bjorn Novice Will.eye.am take 0 rolls to give additional Copper. | 4 |
Sun Wing Essence | Rare | Destroys itself when Egg transforms into Novice Omelette and grows into Almighty Omelette in the same roll. When destroyed Novice Omelette Egg Almighty Omelette and Golden Egg give 3 Copper more this game. | 4 |
Drone Booster Essence | Rare | Destroys itself when you pay tax. When destroyed you choose 1 Mini Field Drone Sniping Drone Mini Recon Drone Highspeed Drone Squad Companion Drone Light Companion Drone Guard Drone Surveillance Drone and Combat Drone to add. | 4 |
Miner Lamp Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 5 Void Stone Mythril Ocean Gem Twilight Glass Ancient Gem Amber Ruby and Diamond. When destroyed Void Stone Mythril Ocean Gem Twilight Glass Ancient Gem Amber Ruby and Diamond give 2x more Copper this game. | 4 |
Pink Crown Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 10 Neko Coin are removed. Removes all Neko Coin before each roll. Gives 10 Copper whenever Neko Coin are removed. | 4 |
Rake Essence | Uncommon | 2 Watermelon are added whenever 3 resources are destroyed in the same roll. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Spawner Charm Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 5 resources are added from Almighty Chirpy Almighty Sharky Almighty Voltzzz Almighty Omelette Bartender Novice Frostine Almighty Hydra Stormbringer or Tombstone. When destroyed Almighty Chirpy Almighty Sharky Almighty Voltzzz Novice Frostine Bartender Almighty Omelette Almighty Hydra Stormbringer and Tombstone are 2x more likely to add resources this game. | 4 |
Red Katana Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 2 Assassin. When destroyed Assassin give 3 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Light Companion Drone Essence | Common | Gives 20 Copper unless 3 or more resources are the same. This effect ignores Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Cursed Comedian Mask Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if Trickster is destroyed. Trickster is destroyed when adjacent to Banana Peel. When destroyed Banana Banana Peel Novice Funguy Almighty Karot Koo and Nekosino give 2 Copper more this game. | 4 |
Devil Sword Essence | Rare | Destroys itself if you can't afford your tax. Gives 77 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Essence Summon Lamp Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after 18 rolls. Gives Essence Token 3 when destroyed. | 4 |
Uncommon Earthen Hammer Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if Energy Drink Millenium Ore Ore or Wine is destroyed by Earth Neko. When destroyed Earth Neko give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Egg Collector Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 12 Egg are removed. Removes all Egg before each roll. Gives 13 Copper whenever Egg are removed. | 4 |
Scarecrow Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself before Seed would grow. When destroyed Seed are guaranteed to grow into Very Rare resources this roll. | 4 |
Goodhand Essence | Common | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Clubs Diamonds Hearts and Spades. When destroyed Clubs Diamonds Hearts and Spades give 3 Copper more this game. | 4 |
Fish Carer Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 10 Novice Sharky are removed. Removes all Novice Sharky before each roll. Gives 10 Copper whenever Novice Sharky are removed. | 4 |
Very Rare Baby Dragon Essence | Very Rare | Destroys itself after 15 rolls. Gives 4 Copper each roll. | 4 |
Very Rare Robinhood Hat Essence | Very Rare | Destroys itself after 5 resources are added after a roll. You add an extra resource after every roll. | 4 |
Uncommon Farmer Basket Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 5 Void Fruit Banana Cherry Coconut Pear Coconut Half Orange Peach Apple Blueberry and Watermelon. When destroyed Void Fruit Banana Cherry Coconut Pear Coconut Half Orange Peach Apple Blueberry and Watermelon give 2x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Chef Hat Essence | Common | Egg are destroyed when adjacent to Yogurt Egg Water Bottle Golden Egg or Soup. Adds Soup and destroys itself whenever Egg are destroyed Soup give 3x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Very Rare Battery Cell Essence | Very Rare | Destroys itself after 1 rolls. When destroyed at least 1 of the resources to add after this roll will be Very Rare. | 4 |
Ice Harmonica Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are are at least 3 Almighty Frostine. When destroyed Almighty Frostine give 3 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Necromancer Axe Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Spirit Scroll Cursed Flask or Tombstone is destroyed. When destroyed Spirit Scroll Cursed Flask and Tombstone add 2x as many Soul Stone this game. | 4 |
Squad Companion Drone Essence | Common | Gives 30 Copper if at least 3 resources are the same and not Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Waiter Droid Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 3 Neko Chemical Energy Drink Wine or Leaf Tea are destroyed. When destroyed Neko Chemical Energy Drink Wine and Leaf Tea give 1.5x as much Copper this game. | 5 |
Holy Sword Essence | Rare | Destroys itself if there are at least 6 Inferno Breath Lost Defiance Winter Executioner Hope of Neverest Stormbringer Last Stand and Edge of Placidium. When destroyed Inferno Breath Lost Defiance Winter Executioner Hope of Neverest Stormbringer Last Stand and Edge of Placidium have no effect and give 2x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Uncommon Baby Dragon Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 30 rolls. Gives 2 Copper each roll. | 4 |
Candy Backpack Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Candy is destroyed by Koo. When destroyed Candy and Koo give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Common Earthen Hammer Essence | Common | Destroys itself if there are at least 3 Ore Twilight Glass or Millenium Ore. When destroyed Ore Twilight Glass and Millenium Ore give Copper 2 more this game. | 5 |
Uncommon Battery Cell Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 6 Almighty Voltzzz or Charged Gem. Almighty Voltzzz or Charged Gem in the leftmost column give 3x more Copper. | 5 |
Basic Witch Dummy Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Empty. Empty give 4 Copper more. | 4 |
Charged Gem Processor Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 6 Charged Gem are removed. Removes all Charged Gem before each roll. Gives 20 Copper whenever Charged Gem are removed. | 4 |
Pirate Spear Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 3 Brick Chest Rusty Chest Wooden Chest and Treasure Chest is destroyed. Brick Chest Rusty Chest Wooden Chest and Treasure Chest have a 100% chance of being destroyed. | 4 |
Golden Glove Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after Thief Tech Millionaire Neko Chemical Wealth Charm Parcel Merchant Charm Novice T-Bone Void Fruit Void Stone Gambler Brick Chest Rusty Chest Practice Target Wooden Chest or Wooden Chest are destroyed. Thief Tech Millionaire Neko Chemical Wealth Charm Parcel Merchant Charm Novice T-Bone Void Fruit Void Stone Gambler Brick Chest Rusty Chest Practice Target Wooden Chest and Wooden Chest give 3.5x more Copper when destroyed. | 5 |
Lucky Cat Spirit Essence | Common | Destroys itself if there are at least 3 Neko. When destroyed you are 2.5x more likely to find Uncommon Rare and Very Rare resources. | 5 |
Gambler Soul Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after Three-Sided Die and Five-Sided Die give Copper 5 times. Three-Sided Die and Five-Sided Die give 1 Copper more. Three-Sided Die will always roll 3. Five-Sided Die will always roll 5. | 4 |
Golden Devil Mask Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 7 rolls. When destroyed Neko Chemical is Common instead of Uncommon this game. | 4 |
Chef Arm Sleeve Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 7 Neko Chemical Void Fruit Banana Energy Drink Candy Yogurt Cherry Egg Water Bottle Pear Wine Coconut Half Orange Peach Blueberry Soup Leaf Tea Ice Shard Golden Egg Apple and Watermelon are added. Gives 77 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Ice Saw Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Ice Shard is destroyed by Almighty Frostine. When destroyed Almighty Frostine give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Common Pickaxe Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 5 Ore and Millenium Ore are destroyed. Gives 50 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Infinite Totem Essence | Very Rare | Destroys itself after 7 Thief Tech Millionaire Neko Chemical Wealth Charm Parcel Merchant Charm Novice T-Bone Void Fruit Void Stone Gambler Brick Chest Rusty Chest Practice Target Wooden Chest or Wooden Chest are destroyed. When destroyed Thief Tech Millionaire Neko Chemical Wealth Charm Parcel Merchant Charm Novice T-Bone Void Fruit Void Stone Gambler Brick Chest Rusty Chest Practice Target Wooden Chest and Wooden Chest give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Novice Karot Treat Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Assassin and Novice Karot are adjacent to each other. When destroyed Assassin and Novice Karot give 3 Copper more this game. | 4 |
Common Battery Cell Essence | Common | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Almighty Voltzzz and Charged Gem. When destroyed Almighty Voltzzz and Charged Gem give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Almighty Karot Sword Essence | Common | Destroyed itself if Banana Coconut or Coconut Half is destroyed by Almighty Karot. When destroyed Almighty Karot give 2x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Golden Chest Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 30 rolls. You put 2 Copper in the item each roll. Gives 350 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Highspeed Drone Essence | Uncommon | Gives 20 Copper whenever you skip. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Gold Cat Spirit Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Water Bottle is destroyed by Neko. When destroyed Neko give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Common Baby Dragon Essence | Common | Destroys itself after 60 rolls. Gives 1 Copper each roll. | 4 |
Essence Preserver Lamp Essence | Very Rare | Destroys itself whenever an essence is destroyed. The conditional effects of other essences must happen 2 times for them to be destroyed. | 4 |
Mini Recon Drone Essence | Common | Gives 50 Copper if 3 or more of the same resource are adjacent and not Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Funguy Treat Essence | Common | Destroys itself if 3 or more Novice Funguy and Almighty Funguy are adjacent. When destroyed Novice Funguy transform into Almighty Funguy and Almighty Funguy give 2 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Rain Prayer Scarecrow Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Rain and Flower are adjacent to each other. When destroyed Rain and Flower give 1 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Sniping Drone Essence | Common | Gives 50 Copper if every resource is different. This effect ignores Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Red Suits Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Hearts and Diamonds. When destroyed Hearts and Diamonds give 2 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Banana Farm Scarecrow Essence | Common | Destroys itself if there are at least 3 Banana and Banana Peel. When destroyed Banana and Banana Peel give 5 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Cursed Swordman Headgear Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 6 Inferno Breath Lost Defiance Winter Executioner Hope of Neverest Stormbringer Last Stand and Edge of Placidium. When destroyed Inferno Breath Lost Defiance Winter Executioner Hope of Neverest Stormbringer Last Stand and Edge of Placidium give 2x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Gear Essence | Uncommon | If 3 or more of the same resource are adjacent and not Empty they permanently give 1.5x more Copper. Destroys itself afterwards. | 5 |
Cursed Witch Dummy Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 7 resources are added after a roll. You have 1 less resource to choose from after a roll. Gives 77 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Charged Gear Essence | Common | Almighty Voltzzz have a 100% chance of adding 5 Charged Gem. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Necromancer Staff Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself after 4 Soul Stone are destroyed. Soul Stone add Archer Thief Almighty Will.eye.am Earth Golem Novice T-Bone. Almighty Bjorn Cultist Novice Bjorn Novice Funguy Novice Karot Earth Neko Almighty Sharky Novice Will.eye.am Gambler Grand General Novice Sharky Almighty Chirpy Monarch Almighty Voltzzz Novice Hydra Novice Omelette Neko Koo Hunter Novice Chirpy Miner Almighty Karot Nymph Assassin Pirate Novice Voltzzz Cursed Swordman Almighty Funguy Archaeologist Necromancer Farmer Novice Grubbler Water Neko Water Princess Almighty Grubbler Almighty Frostine Beastmaster Almighty Omelette Chef Bartender Trickster Almighty Hydra Nekosino or Almighty T-Bone when destroyed | 4 |
Wealthy Witch Dummy Essence | Common | Destroys itself if you roll and gain 25 Copper or less. Gives 50 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Common Robinhood Hat Essence | Common | If a resource would take Copper it takes 25 Copper less. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Green Crown Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if there are at least 3 Neko Coin. When destroyed Neko Coin give 2 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Nectar Treat Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Almighty Voltzzz and Almighty Bjorn are adjacent to each other. When destroyed Almighty Voltzzz and Almighty Bjorn give 2 Copper more this game. | 4 |
Soul Guard Helmet Essence | Rare | Destroys itself if there are at least 4 Soul Stone. When destroyed Soul Stone give 2 Copper more this game. | 5 |
Void Dragon Wing Essence | Rare | Destroys itself after 5 Novice T-Bone Void Fruit or Void Stone are destroyed. When destroyed Novice T-Bone Void Fruit and Void Stone give 1.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Void Dragon Axe Essence | Rare | Destroys itself if a resource is destroyed. Gives 1 Copper for each resource destroyed this game when destroyed. | 4 |
Thief CyberArm Essence | Common | Destroys itself if Thief is destroyed by Hunter. When destroyed Hunter give 2.5x more Copper this game. | 5 |
Common Farmer Basket Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself whenever Seed grow. Seed give Copper 20 more. | 4 |
Yellow Crown Essence | Common | Gives 30 Copper you gain a multiple of Copper 3 after a roll. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Uncommon Pickaxe Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself before Ore or Millenium Ore would be destroyed. When destroyed Ore or Millenium Ore are guaranteed to add Very Rare resources this roll. | 4 |
Mini Field Drone Essence | Common | Gives 20 Copper if none of the resources are Empty. Destroys itself afterwards. | 4 |
Hunter Spear Essence | Uncommon | Destroys itself if Archer Thief Tech Millionaire Cultist Koo Hunter Miner Earth Neko Monarch Gambler Grand General Cursed Swordman Pirate Assassin Nymph Necromancer Farmer Water Neko Water Princess Chef Beastmaster Archaeologist Nekosino Trickster or Bartender are destroyed by Hunter or Grand General. Gives 50 Copper when destroyed. | 4 |
Last updated